Zocdoc calendar
Zocdoc calendar

zocdoc calendar

Zocdoc provides patients the convenience of quick and easy appointment booking, sparing them the hassle of calling a medical office and ensuring doctors fill their schedules. Not having easy-to-use online booking costs businesses missed opportunities for customers and revenue. Increasingly, people use their smartphones and tablets to book in response, many businesses create websites with reservation tools optimized for mobile. In a January 2017 survey, 88% of respondents said they preferred booking hotels online to calling. Whether booking a restaurant reservation, flight, or a massage (to name a few), customers predominantly go online. The convenience of online booking is well-established, providing users with 24-7 access to business information and available timeslots. And the longer the patient goes without an appointment, the likelier they give up and find another doctor. For privacy’s sake, patients may avoid answering calls from doctors’ offices during the workday, stretching out the process even more. Patient doesn’t have their calendar in front of themĪny of these examples could result in a game of phone tag with voicemail left back and forth.Patient is unable to locate insurance information.

zocdoc calendar

Receptionist is unable to answer the phone.As simple as this may seem, there are many scenarios whereby a phone call doesn’t result in a booking. Traditionally, booking a doctor’s appointment involved calling a doctor’s office and speaking to a scheduler/receptionist to arrange for a date and time. List your practice 1. Consumers demand the convenience of online booking, and patients are no different Join Zocdoc Attract new patients and reduce your no-shows.

Zocdoc calendar